The Lovely Look Turns 2

When I first started my blog, it was simply an expansion of my #ootd journey on Instagram. I never imagined going full blogger mode and continuing this journey in other directions. Like a total noob, I forgot my first blogaversary last year so I had to make sure I remembered this year. It's like how could you forget your baby's first birthday? This blog is something close to that because I put my time, energy, and focus into this. The best part about it is that till this day since I've started, I can honestly still say that I enjoy every minute of this. I don't see myself stopping and I couldn't imagine what else I would be doing in my free time if I wasn't thinking or working on my blog. 

It wasn't until 2 years ago around this time where I got serious and got my first DSLR camera, stopped taking pictures with my iPhone and started writing more than just captions to my outfits. Comparing myself now to my first real outfit post on this blog, I see that so many things have changed and I enjoy that I've been able to evolve and grow. I now know the meaning of great lighting (haha), angles, and everything else that comes along with putting together an outfit post. It's crazy to me that the saying rings true, "Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different?" 

Having a blog to me has nothing to do with me thinking that I'm a professional dresser or that I know everything about fashion. It's more about displaying my taste in style and showing the world what I have to offer. I want people to see how I put outfits together and realize that they can do the same. I enjoy having a voice to my name and continuing my journey on YouTube as well. It's a great feeling to build yourself and your name and in reality gain friends throughout the process. This is definitely what this is to me, building friendships with the people who constantly come back to my page to view my content. I am forever grateful for those that do. 

Fashion is something I enjoy immensely and the directions are infinite in which this can go. I was given some of the most memorable opportunities that I never imagined possible since starting this blog and this will be in my heart forever. All the collaborations and the brands who have reached out to me and whom have worked with has seriously been such an honor. From meeting Lucy Hale from Pretty Little Liars (my favorite show) and interviewing her about her clothing line, to shooting with Robert Wayne and modeling their shoes, or to getting my picture in Seventeen Magazine along with my name; moments like those made me realize how lucky I am and how happy I am to be doing this. 

I hope to one day make this blog my career and to be able to say I LOVE MY JOB. "When you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life." That is my ultimate goal and I know that anything is possible as long as you have the passion and will for it. So much greatness in such a short amount of 2 years and I'm definitely ready for more. I just want to say THANK YOU for reading this and following me along on this journey. Thank you for visiting my page time and time again. Thank you for the likes and comments, I'm so grateful! In which ever direction this blog goes, I know that it's meant for me. This is definitely only the beginning. So here it is; Dear Future, I'm ready!

Dress: Fashion Nova | Jacket: H&M | Heels: Zara | Purse: Thrifted
Photography by: @Madfaithphotography

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