Push The Envelope

I am someone who likes to try new things. I want to constantly push my boundaries and evolve. If you stay in the same spot forever, your reality will never change. And as I look back on some of my first blog posts and pictures, I can see that as a "model", I've evolved; and I'm proud of that. I see it in my posing, my picture style, my editing, etc. Even though I'm not exactly where I want to be, I know that seeing that growth does tell me that I have changed and ultimately have gotten better overtime. So this time that has passed isn't for necessarily for nothing. You have to think of things like that sometimes; just because the picture isn't what you want yet, doesn't mean that you haven't gotten better or made strides. So if you want change, ultimately remember that it starts with you pushing yourself; in all aspects of your life. If you want different, you have to do different. So here is something different I wanted to try artistically and as a blogger. To me, this is pushing my envelope, what's yours? Enjoy the look and happy Friday!

Dress: Nasty Gal | Boots: Dr. Marten

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