Pink Edge

I was so hesitant on buying this dress but the one thing that kept me wanting it was its versatility. I knew that I was going to be able to dress this up so many different ways. The best way to get the most out of your clothing is learning and being able to dress it different ways. It's almost like you have something new to wear every time. So this time I chose edgy. The black boots add that "Idgaf" vibe and I cinched it at the waist to add some curve. The black belt was to match the boots. I definitely could've added a motorcycle jacket but it was hot this day. Something about this look is effortless to me. I can't wait to see how else I play around with it later. What do you think, how would you have styled it? Enjoy the look and happy Friday!

Dress: Target | Belt: Thrifted | Boots: Dr. Marten's

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