Grateful & Thankful


hi beautiful people!

I don’t want to make this post so cliché but after enduring such a rough year (while still doing so), I’d like to take this time to really express all the things that went right this year of 2020. I know it may be quite easy to look at all the negatives and say to yourself how much it sucked to have to go through what we all been through. But in hindsight, we should also take this time to realize that we are here in this moment, alive and healthy; for that is something huge to be thankful for. Yes, this year was not quite what we expected but it also taught us a lot of things along the way. Through our suffering we have gained endurance and strength that we didn’t necessarily know we had.

We now know we are stronger than what we think. I like to look at this year as the year of trials and tribulations. Yes, it has been an emotional rollercoaster in which we are still riding but if I didn’t take the time to take a step back to realize all that is good, I wouldn’t be me trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s not just in my nature to only see the negative and stick to it. For I always must find a happy solution or medium to drown out the negatives.

So this holiday instead of looking at what has gone wrong, draw it back and instead look for all that we have and all that we are. The simple things are after all the ones that matter most. I appreciate every single one of you who take the time to support me in any way possible. I appreciate the opportunities I have been given to share my words and motivate those one way or another. And I am grateful for where I am and who I am at this very moment because I know that ‘right now’ is serving its purpose in my story. I wish you all a happy thanksgiving! Happy Thursday!