San Francisco Travel Guide: 10+ Things to Do, Places to See + Eat

I think it's pretty safe to say for myself that I've become a travel "pro". I say it lightly because sure, I'm not the best professional but I'm pretty damn proud of making my way around a city and typing up a pretty good itinerary filled with all the necessary and fun things to do. My most recent trip was to San Francisco and I had a blast! I thought it would be a good idea to post my itinerary for anybody who needs future plans or some insight on what to do while they're out there. So without further ado, let's get started. 

Before going out there I knew I wanted to hit some of the touristy spots to be able to take some pics and see for my own eyes. Pinterest is a top place I go to for suggestions and it did not disappoint. Here's all that I got to do!

1. GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE (for obvious reasons)
You CAN'T go to SF and not want to see the famous Golden Gate bridge, it's a must! Most people go to the visitor's area which is before you cross the bridge but thanks to Pinterest I found another spot to go to (Spencer Battery Park) which is on the other side of the bridge; so it's also cool that you get to drive on it and see it in all its glory. This spot gives you the up close and personal view. UNREAL! 

Again, another must! These trips are only offered through ONE tour so it is highly suggested that you book way in advance to get tickets! I was originally supposed to go during the day but due to flight delays I got the later tour and I was glad. The darkness adds to extra eerie effect which ultimately made it more cool!

Fisherman's wharf is widely known in SF and you have from about Pier 33 to Pier 45 to cover if you'd please. My favorite of all was Pier 39 because it had a lot of shops (obviously!) and a lot of things to see and do, not to mention eat! Please do yourself a favor and take a stroll here, you won't regret it!

So this place was actually suggested to me by another blogger. (shoutout to her!) It is a museum full of arcade games dating all the way back to 1933. It's FREE and all of the games are still in working order. (Bring change if you want to play some and get nostalgic.) I got carried away and cashed a $20 bill into nothings but quarters so we were there for a minute wasting them away and just being kids again. This place is bound to bring the kid out in you. 

I loved this area because I loved the vibes! It was very much the hispanic community of SF and I was digging it. Here we had a lot of artwork which I love to see and I made my way through both Clarion Alley (huge alley full of murals) and Balmy Alley. Make sure to also walk down Valencia Street for the views and get a taste of what's around as well as Mission Street. After you're done be sure to make your way to Mission Dolores Park for some ultimate city views and unwinding. 

Are you even a 90's kid if you don't remember the infamous houses in the beginning of the show?! I HAD to see these (I know, I know, they're just houses) but come on! They're from my childhood, how could I not?! This is definitely something you can make a quick trip to for some sightseeing and quick pics. For a better view of them all and better pic, go across the street and get a good spot at the park.

The famous spiral street! Unfortunately when I went the flowers weren't blooming so there wasn't too much pretty color but it was still cool to walk down and experience for yourself  Make sure to stop by to take a pic and if you actually face the other way, the street across gives you a good view of the city and makes for a great picture as well! 

I didn't find this spot through Pinterest but more of a close friend mentioned it. IT'S A MUST SEE! It's a "tour" that you go on and it gives you somewhat of a history lesson of San Francisco but with cool interactive actors and different rooms (a little scary) but not really, but hey we love scary stuff! There is also a little surprise at the end which was also fun! I highly recommend doing this maybe even on your last night just because I super enjoyed the learning and also the laughs I got out of it.

Think mini golf but indoor and with drinks! Okay, this is something they need to bring to LA because I thought this place was super cool! Definitely first date worthy IMO. You have 12 holes here to play through and each one is super cool! I'm talking your golf ball going up into the ceiling and coming out the other side cool. Just see for yourself!

This is a no brainer! You can't go to San Francisco where it's known for it's crazy steep streets and not catch a ride on a cable car. It's a must! This was me living out my Princess Diaries fantasy and also just enjoying the cool public transportation SF had to offer. There are different pick up/stop locations to choose from, make sure to check with your concierge for the one nearest to you!

It's no secret that yo' girl loves to eat! So of course I had to ask around for the recommendations to make sure I tried the MUST HAVES! 

Major MAJOR tip: GET HERE EARLY! We got here maybe 15 minutes before opening time and there was already a line. It is well worth the wait! Their chocolate crumb cake, BOMB! The French toast was delicious (check picture for proof), the OJ was freshly squeezed, and just about everything else was delicious! You must try this place!

Known for it's famous "Got Baked" sign I had to stop by for some dessert. Now, I must say it was smaller than I expected however their treats were still good to try! 

Okay! Their crab cake beignets were 10/10! They also have Nutella filled beignets which were also 10/10! Please do yourself a favor and go here. Also, if you're lucky you'll be serenaded with some background live jazz music which to me is also a plus. 

You can't go to Fisherman's wharf without getting yourself some clam chowder! It's a right of passage! There are tons of places that have it on the piers but the best one I saw was at Boudin Bakery.

I was able to do all of this within a 4 day 3 night stay! Be sure to stay tuned for the vlog which is to come real soon for even more footage of my trip. I hope you enjoyed this blogpsot and save it for your future trip. For now,

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