Float Like A Butterfly


hi beautiful people!

When I think of the symbolism of butterflies not only do they hold a special place in my heart (they are my sign from the universe) but they also symbolize to me hope, change, and powerful representations of life. To me a butterfly represents the changes you’ve endured and how growing through the not so pretty moments of life (being a caterpillar) you end up rebirthing yourself to become a powerful and beautiful holder of your life (the butterfly). Not only are they pretty to look at but they are just there to constantly remind us of how it takes steps and trials to get to a beautiful end results. Which in case also means you must have a lot of patience and trust your process.

If there is something on your mind that you are continuously working on and you feel like giving up because it’s taking too long for your liking, I urge you to hold on and to look at the butterfly for inspiration. The day you plant the seed is not the same day you eat the fruit. Keep in mind that good things take time and if it’s something you really want, you’ll do what it takes to get there.

You are magic and you are your own butterfly. Your work isn’t in vain and all you’re doing is developing to soon break out of that cocoon and fly like you’re supposed to. But remember, float like a butterfly but sting like a bee! Happy Wednesday!