I've Got Sunshine

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hi beautiful people!

Happy Wednesday! As we continue our journey into the month and start saying goodbye to Summer and hello to Fall (the season of new beginnings and fresh starts), I want to focus on one major life lesson that I’ve had to learn over the course of my growing years; happiness. Seems simple enough right? Most of us are conditioned to believe that happiness is something we chase after. That if we just get to the next best thing in our life we’ll be happy. That all we need is that next big break or expensive thing to feel fulfilled. Boy were we wrong!

I’ve learned the hard way that happiness is not so much a destination but more so a state of mind. It’s a choice you make (constantly) to feel grateful and feel happy for what is. That’s not to say that you will always be happy with your current state in life, it’s normal to have lows we’re human. But instead of focusing on the next great destination to feel happy and fulfilled, start to look around your life and ask yourself the reasons you should be happy now. Big or small! It is then that we are able to control our moods better and realize that if we don’t choose to be happy now for what it is and constantly chase happiness, we’ll forever be chasing. You see because as humans we’re always looking for the next best thing, the better moments, the more expensive materialistic things and that’s when we fall short. We forget to realize that happiness is grown internally first and then it shines externally after. Think about it!

What is one thing that you feel grateful or happy about today? This though process allows you to realize and remember all that is already and it brings you an abundance of gratitude which intern brings you some happiness. Enjoy the post and happy Wednesday!